Overview of Notifications & Escalations

In Module 2 of the EHS Support course, you will be provided with tools to use in the form of "Prompts" to show you how to write outstanding letters in seconds that describe circumstances that you believe are unsafe and could cause harm. These could be written from any perspective or "persona" to any party or "audience." You simply use the prompts given (or ones that are suitably modified to fit your circumstances), and you'll see output similar to what is presented in this course.

In addition, I'll show you methods to provide reminder notices and escalations of your notice in stronger, more detailed language where you can insert consequences for non-compliance that you feel comfortable expressing. I have also provided insights on how to prepare a supplementary support package for your notification that identifies actual tragic incidents that have occurred from the hazards you have identified and asked to be corrected.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Notifications inform relevant parties about incidents or updates.
  • Escalations involve raising issues to higher levels of authority for resolution.
  • Both notifications and escalations are essential in the EHS system to ensure safety and compliance.

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